If you have searched the internet you will find a large variety of Detox machines available throughout the world, most are made in China. They are all touted as being the best, but it seems they compete mainly in the price of the machine. You can find the lowest price, but many times it is not the best quality, plus you can't get it fixed.
I had a patient who related that she had gone to a doctor in St. George, Utah where she had an Ion Detox session. After a half hour session, there was no coloring in the water. The girl who administered the detox session, gleefully said, "Wow, you don't have any toxins in your body!"
She came to me the following week and related the story to me. She had heard of my machine and wanted to know if she really didn't have any toxins in her body. After hearing the story, I gave her a complimentary detox session. After a 30 minute session there was a thick brown and green scum about a half inch thick on top of the water. The woman remarked after the session she even felt better. She signed up for 20 more sessions.
What was the difference? The quality of the machine and type of array makes all the difference.
Personally, I want a machine that is American-made. If my machine breaks down, I want to be able to send it back to the company who manufactured it for repairs. I have experienced this very thing when I purchased an item that was made in China. When the item broke, there was no place available to fix it.
The machine I use is called IonizeMe Maxx and it is an all around machine for children, teens, adults and seniors who are not heavily impacted with toxins. (Take the Test)
After all of the ion detox sessions, I never have had a problem with the IonizeMe Maxx machine and its performance.
Health and Med has just manufactured a new machine called, IonizeMe Go, and it is my answer to those seniors, both men and women who have had years of accumulated toxins in their bodies. Also, it is the answer to those who now, or in the past have worked in a toxic environment and have accumulated heavy toxins.
IonizeMe MAXX
IonizeMe Go